Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Girl where you been?!?!?!?!

Hello out there!!! Is anyone still reading or I have been removed from your blog roll for lack of publishing? Its ok I would have removed myself as well LOL... So allow me to reintroduce myself and tell you whats been going on in my absence...

Hey I'm Toya, I recently (on November 30, 2014)  GOT MARRIED, discovered how easy and fun DIY projects can be, tried my hand at being an entrepreneur and opened a boutique, and jumped off the weight loss bandwagon after finding out I'm pregnant!!!! Can you believe it? If it were not for this kicking I'm feeling as I type I would not believe it. I was told due to me being overweight and having PCOS I was unable to become pregnant...welp looks like the Man upstairs had other plans.

So the line was so faint I tried to stay in denial but hubby was not having that. LOL!!!!!

That's right ten years, ok nine years and eleven months later I will welcome a new edition to my family. The baby is due 11/10/2014 and mini me will be 10 on 12/1/2014. Looks like the husband wasted no time in knocking me up LOL.

I have several post in cue so excuse the fact that there is no flow and as soon as the pre written post are published we will be all caught up. A while ago I wrote this post in an attempt to inform peeps about my blog and let them decide if this space is for them. Let us be honest there are billions and trillions of blogs out there. I cuss, like wine (currently going through pregnancy detox lol), and don't offer much on the craft side of things so if this space is not for that is fine with me. For every one else click around I hope you will stay awhile... since I'm posting again....

Just because we are so cute!!! LOL


  1. Aww!! Congrats. I'm so happy for you and your family!

    1. Hey hon thanks so much!!! We are all pretty excited!!!!

  2. Excuse me if this pops up twice!

    Congrats on the boutique and the new addition. We have both been MIA, good to be back! I am sorry for the loss of your friend.
