Tuesday, August 12, 2014

4 Things You Do NOT Say To A Pregnant Woman

Carrying life is a joy... ok its a joy when the baby comes. The stretch marks, weight gain, sleepless nights, swollen ankles and such are a just thing you suffer through to see that cute little life that your hoping looks just like you. Along this journey you are hormonal may even a little more sensitive and do not need a constant reminder if your weight gain.

However it seems that is all people want to talk about. Try being married and trying to keep the sexy alive with a bowling ball in front of you at all times. Even the cute maternity clothes are still maternity clothes and no matter how cute you think you are someone reminds you that your gaining weight. No one has time for that. Its called growing a life. You are bound to expand. Hopefully you non pregnant women mean no harm so here is a friendly reminder to be sensitive to us life bearers. The next time you see a pregnant lady PLEASE refrain from saying the following:

1. You are getting so HUGE.- OK WTF is this about? We realize that we are growing a life and therefore our body is expanding. I posted this picture

 to my Instagram and someone said I was huge... HELLO I'm creating a life and I'm in my third trimester. Its no secret that I was not small before I got pregnant!!!

2. You sure its just one baby... again this is a dumb ass question. If I thought or knew there were two I would say so. This is just another way to remind me how big I am getting.

3.How much weight have you gained?.. It is none of your business. Nothing I say is going to be good enough. If I say something too small you will buck your eyes and tell me I look bigger. If I say a high number you will gawk and make me more self conscious.

4.Are you going to make it until your due date?... Why is it a surprise that pregnant women gain weight? We look in the mirror daily and since there is this thing called prenatal care we are weight often.

So let me leave you with this. As we carry this life our whole body is changing. Dark skin spots, hair texture changes, emotions are on a constant  roller coaster, and boobs that seem to grow as fast as our belly, and we are really trying to keep it all together. We don't care that you think we are huge and if you cannot refrain from reminding us of our weight just smile say hi and keep it moving!!!!



  1. Chile some people.....I just don't GET the lack of sensitivity and tack tuh

    1. Thanks for reading boo!!! Right very insensitive!!!

  2. You look amazing! You know people are rude these days and say a lot of things w/o thinking...even if they did think, they probably wouldn't realize how statements like that make you feel.

    1. Thanks Mionna!!!!! Your right and maybe they didn't mean any harm so the post will hopefully help them next time they encounter a pregnant woman.

  3. Personally, I think you look gorgeous and that little life you have growing in you just makes you glow. F those others and their insensitive butts

    1. Thanks Karin!!!! I appreciate your kind words!

  4. Hey hey, Toya: You look amazing. As far as those people are concerned, as John would say: "Fuck 'em"

    (excuse the expletive, but your baby cannot hear it as you read, and there was no other way to say it, so ... :) )

  5. Mrs. Gilyard, your beautiful!!!
