Friday, August 16, 2013


Remember when I did that post saying how great my Matron of Honor is? Well she is better than that. Recently we got our two families together to allow the children to play as well as do some wedding stuff. She was also very gracious in reminding me of the MANY things from the list that still need to be done Ha... I will let the pictures tell the story...

That handsome guy is my nephew Jack, of course you recognize mini me and the other two ladies are new addition to our family from Erin's marriage.

My nephew again

She is telling me that we have a practice shirt because we were not sure how things would work out.

I let her do the shirts because I am not crafty... The shirts are from Wal-mart and then she used some type of paint

Glasses!!!! we got small cups for the junior bridesmaids... cant really give an 8 year old and a 10 year old a wine glass. DOLLAR TREE ROCKS!!!!! (nope I wasn't paid to say that!)

Hunter helped with designing the glasses

We used Sharpie glass pens... HINT: if you make a mistake use nail polish remover and start over LOL 
Some of the end results.... So my writing is not the best but eh they know its from the heart... and it was very economical!!!!


  1. Looks like you had a great time!
    I love the glasses!!!

  2. You are blessed! I've heard horror stories. Good friends are to be cherished!

  3. The shirts and the glasses look great. Doing them yourself will create great memories later.

    1. I agree they were a little less fancy but we had a BALL!!!!!!
