Monday, August 19, 2013

Monday Management

Is it Monday again??!!! Geesh where is the time going... So the weight loss front has been slow and sad. I am working out still but not being able to run is killing my spirit. I know I know that weight can be controlled by nutrition alone but honestly I struggle with that. The exercise while I feel like Im dying when Im doing it is not the hard part for me. It is that darn kitchen that kills me.... UNTIL today... I dusted off those weight watcher books and I CHOSE ME!!!!! I of course know what NOT to eat but I have got to spice up what I can eat. Counting points and or calories works for me. I read some blog post of mine when I was losing weight and I had a food schedule along with a workout schedule. Im getting back to that place. I got on the scale and it told me what I already know. Im not ready to share here because frankly Im mortified to have to type yet again that Im starting over. Woomp woomp aint no body got time for that!!!! Any who Im a work in progress and I appreciate yall for reading along!!! Happy Monday!


  1. ummm i love that watch, where did you get it from?

  2. Looks like you're back off to a good start! I look forward to reading about your progress!

    1. Thank you for reading... It has been kinda rough but Im staying positive and motivated... this week lol!!!

  3. Look at that smile! Love it! Gettin' that sweat on has those endorphines aflowin'! I'm glad you are getting back into your groove.

  4. We all fall off "that horse". Glad to see you are motivated to get back on. One of the many things I like about blogging is going back and reading my posts. If I get off track, I can read all the advice I gave others or about the times I was on track. Good luck!

    1. YAAAAASSSSS looking back and seeing what really worked for me has been great! Thanks so much for reading!

  5. I see everyone with that watch and I need it but I need to exercise and walk firs though. Great to see you motivated maybe this will help me some because I am unmotivated

    1. I love the watch it kinda change the way I work out because I try to go harder to see a higher calorie burn... not that you can tell from these pics lol.... Im trying... its a daily struggle lol
