Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wellness Wednesday!- Fear

Previously I did a post on decision making.That process is a therapist’s attempt to help people make rational decisions using logic and emotions, because life runs on both. Unfortunately we have the ability to over think things. We often allow fear to make us be still when what we really need is to move forward. We let the “what ifs” and “maybe not” or our own insecurities stop us from doing what we need to do to excel.

Stepping outside of our comfort zone is very scary and I will be the first to admit that even I have to talk myself out of my comfort box but honey the view on the other side is amazing. Recently I took a new job. When I tell you I cried off and on that first week I am downplaying the tears. No one was mean to me but it wasn’t my old job.

The sense of security and comfort of the previous gig was gone. Now this is not to say that the old place didn’t have its issues and bugs but it surprisingly was home. I felt like I was leaving my family.

Entering into this new role has been challenging and scary. I’m a dam good therapist. My style does not work for everyone but I am good at what I do(did). Its my passion I love to know that I’m helping others. My new role is that of a planner and coordinator in a world that I am unfamiliar with.  I’m still helping others just in a different way and I have had to come to terms with that. Fear is an understatement of what I felt in my new position. Along with the fear I felt extreme guilt. Guilt about leaving my clients, my coworkers, and the work in general. I mean I went to school for this right. My previous boss told me “never feel bad about doing what is right for your family.”

This job is right for my family in more ways than the pay increase. It gives me more time. Its less stress and I’m not as drained when I come home (so far). I said all that to say that we can never allow fear to hold us back. We cannot be afraid to make that leap. I say whether it is taking a new job, leaving a relationship, going to the gym for the first time, whatever it is take a deep breath and go!!!!


  1. AMEN to this post! I have let fear hold me back from 2 major things in my life and when I went ahead and went for it, it turned out most excellently. Fear is SOOOO REALLLL!!!! Kudos to you for taking the step to advance your family and career. Congrats and I hope it continues to prosper for you!

  2. Great post! It really speaks to me right now because I see my 8 year old daughter being afraid to try new things at times and I worry that I am passing the fear on to her. I have decided to be a less fearful example and I have been having an amazing time trying new things. It's not comfortable to me, but so far I have been having some amazing results. I hope your new job continues to be a blessing to you and your family. I look forward to reading more.

    1. Thank you so much for reading. I also have an 8 year old daughter and I too am trying to lead by example which is not always easy. Going outside your box is never comfortable but as you have stated you can get some amazing results. I hope you will continue to tune in with me!!!!

  3. So true! Fear is a very powerful emotion that can grip us and prevent us from moving forward. However, we must learn to walk in faith in order to move ahead. The Wizard Of Oz is one of my favorite movies!

    1. I love that movie ans thought the captions were so fitting. Walking in Faith is not always easy but like my granny used to say that's why its called faith!!!! Thank you for reading!

  4. I always hesitate when I am taking on a new task. I like to KNOW what I am doing and be the VERY BEST at it. So, if I am trying something new there is that possibility that I don't know what I am doing and I could fail. I would have been right there with you on crying about the situation. I am a cryer by nature and those are some heavy emotions to deal with when you are in big transitions.
    I'm excited for you and I know that once you get into your groove you will feel like you are where you belong.
