Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Our Love Story!!!... Part 1

From the beginning he loved her and she was a little slower to come around. Ironically when she came around things seem to come full circle. It seemed as if she needed him to breathe but due to her past she couldn’t allow him to see this… the she is me and this is our love story…

Yes I met my boo online #judgeme (major confession although some of my closer blogger friends know this). I will not disclose a site because I don’t want anyone to think they will go to that same site and find the same. I will say that it was a dating site and not a sex site. I will say this: If you are considering online dating DO IT. Online gives you access to people that you may have never met. Just be as safe as possible. No meeting at your house first,  go in the day time to a public place. It really is the same as meeting at the gas station or Walmart. I have met some real losers at the grocery store so any way. I used to leave the name of whomever on my refrigerator in case I didn’t come back. Enough of that PSA….

So he sent a really detailed message (which I love because how do you really reply to “hey”) and the messages went back and forth for a while. The messages eventually became texts and texts lead to convos that lead to lets meet. We had our first date at Chilli’s (we were later engaged there) and for him I think it was love at first sight. (How arrogant does that sound lol) For me I thought ok he is nice, what the hell is wrong with him.

We had a standing date on Friday’s because Im a single mom and at my old job I was off early on Fridays and I did NOT want him meeting my mini me. This man wined and dined me. I ate very well EVERY FRIDAY (enter 30 plus pounds). Ok so some of those Fridays were spent at KFC after spending an hour at McKays but either way I was eating good yall!!! LOL I never turn down food! We had a lot of good times in the beginning. I kept my panties ON and he kept coming back LOL.

I’m not really sure when I fell in love but I know it hit like a ton of bricks. It is sad to say that it took almost having to walk away from him to see how much I loved him….


  1. AWWWW, I LOVE Love Stories. He sounds like quite a guy. I know several people who met online and are now in committed/married relationships.
    I'm soo happy for you. I seriously can not wait to hear all about the wedding and to see wedding pics. I am an emotional person.I'm sure I won't be able to read that post here at work bc I will start to crying.

  2. I'm with Veronica. I love love stories too. Proof that love can come from anywhere. He seems like he really knows how to take care of his lady. Blessings on your journey to the alter.

    1. Thanks for reading and the well wishes. Jeff oa great. Totally not perfect bc no one is but he is perfect for me!!!!

  3. This made me cry!! I love your openness and honesty!

  4. I love it! It's real and true. No one can judge about the online dating site. People do it all the time on facebook. LOL! Congratulations again! :)

    1. LOL girl you know people been meeting online since black planet but when others do it they give a side eye! LOL!!!! Thanks for reading and commenting.
