Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Struggles and the Love that Helps Me Make it!!

I'm often asked "why do you blog". There is no short answer. I enjoy the friendships, stalking other blogs, the accountability, but as with my career I want to inspire others! I recently read a blog about a woman suffering with endometriosis and was so touched I thought I should pay if forward and get real with what is happening to my body...

Recently I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarion Syndrome (PCOS). I have been in total denial. Pretending that Im tired from work, my cycle doesnt hurt as bad as it does, the BC pills are working, or the weight gain is all my inner fat girl (who has now eaten my skinny self). when the truth is I am at fighting a WIN-ABLE battle but at a deficit.

The principal features of (PCOS) are anovulation (a cycle with no ovulation), resulting in irregular menstruation, amenorrhea (missing cycles even when not pregnant), ovulation-related infertility, and polycystic ovaries; excessive amounts or effects of androgenic (male) hormones, resulting in acne and hirsutism (basically being extra hairy in places other than the top of my head); and insulin resistance, often associated with obesity, Type 2 diabetes, and high cholesterol levels. The symptoms and severity of the syndrome vary greatly among affected women.- this is from Wiki

My doctor basically told me it is the reason for my bad mood swings. The days I wake up and don't understand my own feelings. It is causing my weight loss to stall as weight gain is a principle feature. Acne, excessive hair, and having cys around my ovaries. Since I do not want any more children he was not very patient and hurried through his explanation even though I waited over an hour to see him. Needless to say I will not see him again *kiss my future insurance checks buh- bye*

So this is my daily struggle. the positive side is that my loving fiance who I was slightly jealous of this morning as he did not have to go to work spent the entire day researching the condition. He has found a list of foods that will aide me in losing weight, a pill that women are taking to help control their weight and other symptoms and he sent this text message "I have been reading all day and every review has been positive. I want you to be happy again and I will do anything to make that happen" Ladies, can we say tears at my desk at work!!!!

This just shows that true love does exist. This man is home sick and could be doing anything he wants but he is trying to help me. I have never had this type of love before and I honestly thought it was for books, TV, and that "perfect couple" (we all know them). Its not though its for every one. I am so blessed to have him


  1. Sorry to hear that. It sucks but you have something to support you and help you through it and that is great. Thank you for sharing your story and don't give up on your weight loss journey.

    1. Thanks Amanda! It really does suck, and the worse part is some people go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. I am definitely giving up on my weight loss. I was thin before (even though I totally thought I was big and did not appreciate my size) and with determination I will be thin again!!! thanks for your support and thanks for reading along.

  2. I cried reading this. I am so glad that you have a great support system. Be encouraged, this to shall pass. Peace and blessings!

    Thank you for the shout out. I'm glad my story helped you and I know yours will help someone else!

    1. I was the same way reading your post! Yes support is much needed because I often cannot explain my feelings and for him to take such an interest and want to know I feel truly blessed. Thanks for your support and Thanks for reading!

  3. I too have PCOS and was diagnosed back in 2006. I had never heard of this illness until I was at the doctor for something totally unrelated. One of the nurses looked at me and said she thinks I may have this condition and referred me to a specialist. Thats when I received the diagnosis. I think it was the hair on my chinny chin chin and the darkness on the back of my neck that got her attention. Hair growth in all the wrong places is one of the annoying side effects of PCOS, as well as the weight gain. All of weight seems to go to the stomach and the thighs. There is treatment for this but it varies per doctor. I've been to a few different specialists and their methods were very different from each other. I'm happy with the doctor I'm with now, who is actually the doctor I started this journey with. I left him because I thought a female doctor would be better, but this guy is very well known and knows what he's doing and very understanding and sensitive to everything we as women go through, so I'm sticking with him. Sounds like you have a great support system, which is very important. My husband is very supportive and understands what I'm going through. He has been the victim of my mood swings numerous times, but at least we know where they stem from. They (mood swings) can be something else! At times, I would just wake up mad at the world and didn't know why. Other times, you're not going to want to be touched, or even want to hold a conversation, but you'll learn to deal with it. It's a treatable illness but there is no cure. Just find a good doctor, who just don't want your money but actually wants to help you. You may go through a few before you find the right one. There are a lot of support groups out there as well. I live in Houston, and there are plenty here. Thanks for sharing your story! The more people are informed, the better the chances of understanding and dealing with this annoying illness and hopefully they can find a cure. Hang in there! You will be fine. -Toni Wilson aka the Aunt of the author of Blogging While Single and Over 30 :-)

    1. OH wow! Small internet world LOL!!! I had never heard of the condition either and felt so alone in the office listening to h rattle off a condition I had never heard of. The doctor was very nonchalant about the situation but as you said its about finding the right doctor and the hunt is definitely on! Yes ma'am my fiance has suffered through the she devil that is my mood swings but he takes it like a champ. At least now I know why and he is learning when I am quiet don't push me because I am trying desperately not to snap!! Its funny your say I will wake up mad at the world and not know why. Today I woke and felt so down for NO reason (hence the post). Thank you so much for your comment and I am glad that you have a great doctor!!!

  4. wow Toya, Sounds like you are making this in a positive for you. Your fiancee sounds wonderful. What a great man. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a new follower to yours now. Kim

    1. I'm trying to be positive about it. At least now I know why certain things havent been working for me in regards to weight loss. He is amazing and Im soooo blessed to have him. Thank you for your support!

  5. This was so brave if you to post! Thanks for the lesson ;) Your attitude is awesome and looks like your man is too! You can get thought this sis.-Karin-

    1. It took some coaxing but as I said U read anothers woman struggle and was sooo touched I thought How can I not share? Yea he is pretty AMAZING! I did well this time! Thanks boo
