Monday, January 14, 2013

Biggest Loser Week 2

Ok ladies let me get right down to what you want to know. I only lost one pound this week. Im going to say because I lost so much the previous week. I dont know I was consistent with my work outs, and I ate healthy with only one cheat meal (I cant do cheat days they cause too much damage). I think what killed me is my water intake. I have got to drink more water. I have a cup that I know I need to drink and refill 4 times for the best benefit but 3 times is a minimum and I struggle with it. I need to just open up and shove it in (thats what he said) I guess.... In other news Monday has not been good to us. The fiance is in the ER and work has been a beast. I will have to update you all tomorrow for further news... Have a great week hope you all did well.
Last week weight- 206
This week weight 205
Pounds lost thuis week- 1
Total pounds since challenge started 6


  1. A pound is a pound, and you should be proud of that...congrats! I have the same issue with water. I set up water break reminders on my phone to remind myself to fill up my cup of water and drink it, but I still struggle. I figure with time it will get better.

    Sorry to hear about your fiance...I hope everything is okay!

    1. Thanks... Ugghh I was so hoping for two pounds but you are right a pound is a pound!! I am going to do better about water this week and see what a difference it makes.... Umm he has been throwing up and we dont know why so we are waiting.... you know how that goes. Thanks for the concern!

  2. Another pound down! Great job :)

  3. A pound is a pound! I'm right there with ya on the water. I've never been a water drinker but I cut out pop so it's the only thing I'm left with! ;) Invest in a Tervis Tumbler! I LOVE mine! It's pretty & keeps my water cold for a longer period of time! :)

    1. I just don't like water lol. Cool I will def look into the Tumbler the colder the water the better it taste for me !

  4. I too have the problem with water. It is probably my biggest obstacle - that and the exercise, thanks to my darn knees - ha! Keep doing what you're doing and you will continue to lose, even if it is 1 lb at a time. I'm sorry to hear about your fiance' - hope he is doing better now. Big hugs!

    1. I just wish it tasted better! LOL. I hear you about the knees my fiance has to wear a knee brace or he is in pain for days.... He is doing much better now thanks! Thank you for the hugs!!! *hugs back*

  5. You should be proud! Any pounds lost is an accomplishment. As for the water, I have a cup with a straw that I keep at work. For some reason, the straw makes it easier for me to suck it down. Hope your fiancé gets well soon!

    1. The straw does help!!! LOL I laugh because no one else seems to understand that the straw helps me get it down!... Thank you and he is better now!!

  6. 1 pound is great!

    Sorry today is not going very well...I hope by the time you see this it will have turned around! Keep your head up!

    here is to another great week!

    1. You are right a pound off is waaaay better than a pound on. Yes things turned around for the better Thank you!

  7. You did great! I think I saw some adverse results in due to water too. I had soda this week instead of water and didn't see as much of a loss as I had expected. But still, a loss is a loss, and it's wonderful!

    1. You are right. Soda just tastes so good doesnt it? Thanks for the encouragement!

  8. A pound lost is still progress! We just need to keep plugging away at what we know works best. I'll keep your fiance in prayer! Hope Tuesday treats you better!

    1. Thank you he is doing much better now. Some type of stomach thing so needless to say I been a lysol toting mama!!! LOL... Im so excited about your guest post I can hardly wait. Dont forget to tell your readers you are doing a guest post over here!

  9. Sorry he's in the ER. I know how if feels when everything goes crazy! It makes you want to give up but don't.

    Sometimes when you lose a lot one week the next is going to be a lower number. Please don't get discouraged. You are doing great.

    New Follower

    1. Thanks lady!!! Yesterday was one of those days. I am back on track today. I didnt make it to the gym but my eating was ok. Thank you for the encouragement!!

  10. -1 is better than +1!!

    Here's to a better week, and hope your fiance is feeling better!!

    1. You are sooo right and that is what I keep telling myself!!! He is much better thank you!

  11. Hey any loss is a gain! You are doing great and keep up the good work! So proud of you!!!

    1. You are very right!!! Thanks for the encouragement!

  12. If you lose "just" 1 pound per week for the next year, think of where you'll be! Congrats on the loss and keep up the great work! Some weeks are bound to show more loss than others, but you're moving in the right direction :)

  13. Don't get discouraged, girl. It's a loss. Besides I've always heard that losing 1 or 2 pounds a week is best because you'll have a better chance of keeping that off.

    Keep up the good work!

    1. I will keep this in mind! Thanks for the support!!
