Thursday, November 8, 2012

What do your tears say?

So this morning when the alarm went off I was NOT feeling it in a major way....

Thinking... noooo its not Friday

My clients often ask me who I talk to. I tell them my dad which is true but with him having his own issues I am going to talk to YOU… Yea this one is emotional so buckle up, or run LOL either way here is what I went through at work sitting at my desk…

I often ask my clients “what are your tears saying right now” and they give me a look that says “huh”. So today as I cry I ask myself the same thing…. I have several answers and none at all. I know that money is tight and I hate that the Mister is working to jobs because “we have a wedding to pay for” but should I not be happy that he is a hard worker and does not mind going the extra mile. I have been in this job and this city for about 2 years so my paycheck has not changed (yep no raises hello non profit unless you are one of the higher ups) so why is it suddenly so hard? Why now do I feel stretched soooooo thin that breathing seems hard? Ok so I have been gaining weight for a while and have been to the doctor and now have the answer as to why and no ladies I’m NOT pregnant (don’t curse me like that) I have some bull shit hormone disorder (more on that later) so why now am I upset? Should I not be happy that I am finally committed to working out, eating well and taking my meals one meal at a time, have great weight loss and exercise blogs to stalk read daily, and have joined a wonderful online weight loss support group, (yea I don’t say much but I read it!!!) and finally have more than 1 follower to call me on my crap when I over eat or miss the workout support me. So really what is wrong? What are my tears saying? Or have they just been building up and the dams are broken.  The financial strain has been there and so has the weight so why today do I feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders?....

I actually let the tears hit the desk...

Then I pulled it together and went back to work and no one ever knew. So who do you talk to? Who saves the super hero?

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