Thursday, November 8, 2012

Goal Setting Time!!!!!!

So my long time and new readers know I am desperately trying to lose weight. So after some inspiration from SUSAN to “add on the miles” I have decided I will track my miles per week which I have never done before. I have also decided to continue to take group exercise classes whenever possible because I am embarrassed to stop before the class is over LOL. This way I am sure to get the full 30-60 min of the class plus my miles. So starting Monday (it feels good to say that and know that I have been working out and not binge eating) here are my new goals:
  • Complete a total of 25 miles per week (Monday- Sunday) with at least 10 of those miles done on the treadmill… (I have a new thing where I ride the bike when I am tired and while I want to count those miles I also need to be getting my walk/jog/run on)
  • Shave a whole two minutes off my mile time by December 1, 2012
  • Work out at least 6 days per week for at least 45 minutes at a time
  • Dedicate 15 minutes per day to my LPC test (more once registered)
  • Blog at least twice a week with one of the blogs being an update on these and possibly other goals
Now what is goal setting without REWARDS!!!!!! SO I have given myself little rewards along the way. I am definitely working class so I had to space these goals out! LOL… here they are:
  • Lose 15 pounds- buy some one new cute gym outfit (as of today I am 8 pounds down from my unbelievably high tear jerking start weight)
  • Lose 25 pounds- buy new gym shoes pumps from Bakers with the bag to match
  • Lose 40 pounds- go wedding dress shopping and not cry in the dressing room – (that’s a different post) PLEASE LET THIS HAPPEN BY MARCH!!!!
  • Lose 65 pounds- Hello old body, new wardrobe and most importantly- WALK DOWN THE ISLE FULL OF CONFIDENCE IN A MERMAID/ FIT AND FLARE DRESS AND MARRY MY BEST FRIEND!!!!

Looking at these numbers it seems so hard. But what is harder is not being able to come out of the dressing room because you are ashamed and on the verge of tears, being winded from tying your shoe, changing clothes 1000 times every morning looking for something that doesn’t make me look sooo big, and constantly pulling on my shirt to hide the rolls that everyone can see and in my mind are staring at…. So I think going to the gym and popping in a workout DVD when I can’t make it will be just fine!

Thinking my poooor hair... smh

Turbo Jam Cardio Party 3... it won today... I tried to stay "high tempo" the whole tape...

Oh yea does anyone know how to add one of those mile trackers to your blog?...


  1. I haven't done it yet, but there is a site called Daily Mile. You have to find their "widget". Then you go into your layout, add a gadget and choose HTML to put that on your sidebar or wherever you want. I like your goals and your rewards!

  2. Thanks! and thanks for the inspiration to add on the miles!!!

  3. Hi Toya! Thanks so much for your kind comments and following my blog! Your goals are awesome and you know you can achieve them!! I have a list on my fridge for what I can treat myself too every 5 pounds! I forward to following your awesome journey! Oh and congrats on your upcoming nuptials!

    Eve xoxo

  4. Eve thanks for following!!!! Oh I never thought off that I must add a treat for every 5 pounds. Thanks for following and thanks for that tip treat!!!

  5. LOVE these ideas!!!! Go girl!!!

  6. Thank you!!! Its a daily thing ya know!!!
