Friday, October 24, 2014

What I Packed in My Hospital Bag

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You guys do know that mini me is almost ten right? So packing a baby bag, and a hospital bag is all foreign territory for me. So I did what any sane mom would do and I searched Pinterest (how did we ever survive without it). Honey there are list on top of list on top more list. It can be quite overwhelming. So here are links to a few of my faves here, here, here, of and here. If those don't give you enough options check out my baby board here.

Personally I either over pack or under pack I can never seem to get it just right. I have usually gone with over packing but eh its the hospital I am bringing home new life I would rather not be bogged down (read: force my hubby to carry more than needed). I decided on the bare minimums. The hospital gave me a list of what they will have including  diapers, wipes, granny mesh panties with pads, blah blah. Plus I wanted room in my bag to take all the goodies, read free stuff, that my insurance has already paid for (diapers, wipes, nasal bulb, alcohol pads).

So here is what I decided to take with me to have baby Jaden.

Toiletries (duh) are a must. I am also taking my own wash cloth because  have heard the hospital's are thin and hard. Also I just feel better about my own wash cloth being on all my body parts. If your like me and need eye wear be sure to pack both contacts and glasses because you never know what is going to happen.

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Not pictured: robe, lots of hair ties, cell phone and charger, gowns, snacks, and mints, change for vending machine, undies, and a nursing pillow, a book, and laptop (the hospital has WIFI)

Side note I am fortunate and the hospital is like 10 minutes away. I am packing super light because I know I can send hubby back out for what I may have forgotten... Also I am doing a separate post on what I am packing for the baby.

What did you pack? Am I missing any essentials???


  1. When I had my first child I didn't have to worry about chargers and cell phones times have changed in just 8 years lol. I think you have everything covered. I loved about 45 min from my hospital so I had to pack a suitcase since I had a c-section and I was staying a min.

    1. Same here with my first baby there was no cell phone chargers lol. We just talked on that hospital phone!!!
