Thursday, January 30, 2014

She cooks...???!!!!

I know I usually don't do this but I am experimenting with different types of post to see what my readers really want to hear about (as well as develop my niche, voice style, blah blah). It seems that my posts about my never ending weight loss struggle journey, crafts, my wedding, home management, and even this old recipe type post are a major hit.

I plan to spice it up around here (as time allows) and still stay true to the reasons I started blogging in the beginning.... all that to say this is a food post. Nope it is not healthy because when I made dinner this night I was off the proverbial wagon!

My husband usually does the cooking at my house. Perk to being married to a chef! However in his absence I had to dust off the old cook books... hey mini me and I have to live LOL. I was craving chicken quesadillas from a restaurant downtown and there were two reasons why I couldn't have it. One, its toooo far away from my house, the other is the never ending budget. I digress...

A friend of mine was like just make them they are easy. So that's what I did...

I grilled chicken on my George Foreman grill, and then proceeded to shred it as we discussed politics and making changes in the world gossiped like high schools girls and talked about the joys of being married.

It was really easy I used the chicken I had just shredded, shredded cheese, ranch, bacon bits, and quesadillas. I made varying quesadillas (she doesn't eat pork, mini me was apprehensive about the ranch dressing... blah blah)


I put all my ingredients near the stove because I can be so messy in the kitchen LOL


I placed the quesadillas in the skillet with minimal oil, on low heat, then loaded it up

Folded that baby in half, flipped it over a couple times so both sides would be brown and BOOM homemade quesadillas.... Of course there was salsa and sour cream but who really needs to see how much I ate when Im sure in a couple post I will be discussing my weight!!!
Oh and some ways to clean this up is to use Greek yogurt instead of sour cream, wheat quesadillas, and low fat cheese, and SKIP the ranch and bacon.


  1. Great job I am the cook since I use to own a catering company but I hate cooking...I am good at it but hate it. Hope you find your voice soon it's hard it took me a while to come up with a niche

    1. Thanks for reading! It is difficult especially since I feel like I have a lot to say lol.

  2. Niw that is something Alex will eat. I will have to try

  3. Oh those look good! And pretty easy too :)

  4. Oh those look good! And pretty easy too :)
