Monday, January 13, 2014

Its another Monday!!!!!!

Hello out there!!!! I am back!

Well let me start with saying Thank you to EVERYONE that participated in the giveaway (more to come) and have stuck around in my absence. Congrats to the winner Meyoshia, I have dropped it in the mail!!!!… so updates…
IM MARRIED!!!! It was awesome. Of course things did NOT go according to plan but  the reception was a huge party!!!!  I have truly married my soul mate so it’s all good. I will give more details later on through a series of posts I am working on.
I moved! Watch out Pinterest. I am pinning EVERYTHING home décor/organization related. Follow me on Pinterest and I will follow you back.
I wrecked my car and it was totaled out…

ugghh and it was super close to being paid off, now I feel like Im starting over blah…. Let me just say that the rental company is super petty because I pulled up in a wrecked Mazda from 2003 they put me in a 2013 Lincoln MKZ… be still my heart… Im in love with this car and will be placing it on my Vision Board!!!!

Remember I got a new job? Well I HATED it. I had that one good day but for the most part it was not great. It was simply not a good fit for me to say the least. So I am back at the therapy thing and honestly I couldn’t be happier. I went back with a raise and a bigger office. I also got some of my old clients back and a few made me cry because they were so happy to see me. One lady said “I’m sorry that whatever didn’t work but I am so dam happy you came back to me!”
I am restarting my weight loss journey. I am officially healed from my hip injury and have gained weight…again *insert as much shame as possible* I had a whole shameful post already but I thought I have said that before and I’m sure the blog world has heard all before. Instead of focusing on the bad I will tell you that last week was a great workout week. I have linked up with my best boo thang Val and she has this whole weekly accountability/motivating email thing going on and it really has helped.
Im not quite ready for scale pics again… hey I’m human and looking at numbers I never wanted to see again is killing me. But I will be weighing in on Mondays once again since that really seemed to work for me…. Stay tuned


  1. Hey Lady! First off, sorry about your car! Secondly, I know that Lincoln is everything and some... I'm glad you can resume your physical activity. If you have a minute look up "Mr. Shut and Train" if you haven't heard of him already. He does these challenges that are AWESOME. I'm participating in one now. He's also on IG! I'm sure you will reach your fitness goals...

    1. Hey Hun!!!!... Girl that Lincoln changed my life LOL!!!! Enterprise was super wrong for letting me drive it for a WEEK!!!! Thanks I will look him up now!
