Monday, August 5, 2013

Monday Musings!!!!

Hey Hey today I am making Monday my B@#$%. I wont be sad because the work week has started way too soon. I will be happy that I am gainfully employed and alive to try again. I am linking up with my bloggy bestie and some other lovely ladies and you should too. Tell us what keeps you motivated!!!

I'm motivated for several reasons lately. One being the fabulous wedding dress I have picked out, and the other being I can workout and not worry about my hair!!! Shout out to my stylist!!!!

I recently learned that my hip is NOT ok and that there should be NO running until November. My wedding is in November. I also have other health issues that have flared up and caused some weight gain. I will be honest I was feeling very defeated. Its like the condition causes weight gain and to help it you need to lose weight but I CANT run, or take birth control which causes weight gain. I was really feeling like WTF lets just eat the pain away. I actually feel silly admitting that. After I got through that dramatic and devastating moment I realized something. This running thing is not the only form of cardio. I just have to amp it up. I'm like ok Toya you gonna let a hip and some hormones defeat you? You have survived this that blah blah (my motivating self speech) you CAN do this. So that's what I'm doing. I'm going to work out harder and smarter. I'm going to let my boo put me on the diet that that works best for my hormones and get this weight off!!!!.... Thanks babe for loving ALL of me.... Since no workout/motivating post is complete without sweaty pics enjoy!!!

Random at work pic... I was feeling myself LOL


  1. That's my girl! It's cool to allow the devestation to hit ya. And to cry it out. But I LOVE that you did not stay there. You are chosing to be a survivor and not a victim. I know I did a good deal of weight loss through forms other than running years ago when I first tried losing weight. I did a good deal of strength training and elliptical and some biking(yuck biking, but hey it works)
    Major props to your stylist. Your hair is on point!!!

  2. I am cracking up at you with your work pic and "feeling yourself" LOL. You are motivating me from this post...I have ZERO excuses. Keep up the good work and love the hair!

    1. LOL!!!! Glad I could make your day!!! You know we all have those moments when EVERYTHING on the picture is cute, that was my one LOL!!!... Thanks so much for reading and commenting!

  3. Good for you for not letting things get you down! You can do it!


  4. You have a great attitude about the whole thing! You will reach your goals! I hear walking is better than running anyway. Less impact and all that good stuff! Keep up the great work! :)

    1. I miss running though!!! Thanks for reading

  5. Love your positive attitude! Hope your hip heals quickly.

    Thanks for linking up!

  6. I love all your pics!! I hope the hip doesn't slow you down for long. It seems like you are determined to work around it. Good luck!!

  7. You got this!
    Keep up the awesome work!!!

  8. Hang in there! I hope you get to feeling better! I cannot take birth control at all without gaining. You can still lose weight by controlling your diet, so don't lose hope! I lost 50 pounds through controlling my food alone. Then I started working out. So, it can be done!

    1. Birth control is the worst right!!!! Thank you so much for the encouragement. Eating is always the worst part for me. Did you follow a program or just make better choices?
