Monday, August 26, 2013

It is what it is!!!!!

Hello all!!!!

So my life is all over the place and things are occurring that I just cannot blog about. I guess I need to keep some things to myself. Especially while my emotions are still raw... If anyone would like to guest post I am more than happy to have you do so this week... Im just Debbie Downer and aint nobody got time for that!!!!

In other news I am less than 100 days away from the wedding and totally feeling the stress. My weight is going up. I promised to always keep it real on here so the truth is my weight is skyrocketing. Im not 100 percent sure why aside from the lack of running and the medical issues. My diet lately is 75/25 with the 75 being the time I am eating clean. Sure it could be better but I am human.

I have found a new church home and it is great and the messages each Sunday that I have been seems to be directed at me and I LOVE IT!!!! So while I'm down a little I am not defeated.

Happy Monday!!!!


  1. Things will get better! Your weight increase could be due to stress or if you are on medications that could be one of the side effects. Hopefully, your week gets better! You are doing AWESOME stuff anyway! We have days, weeks, and sometimes months that are not our best but definitely not our worst either!

    1. Girl the stress is killing me and Im sure making that she devil "the scale' go up. thank you for being encouraging!!!!!

  2. I hope everything gets better, Boo. I'll keep you in prayer. *HUGS*

  3. This time last year I was thanking God that my sisters wedding planning was finally over! I feel for you but with that I'll always send you encouragement! You're doing great and your big day will be everything you dreamed of. You have 100 days to get out of the slump and that's encouraging itself! =}. Great blog!


    1. Kimberly,

      Thanks so much for being encouraging!!! I am counting down the days! I am so blessed to be entering this union but I should have just eloped!!! Congrats to your sister!

  4. Well finding a new church home is a win in the midst of whatever is occurring that you can't share. Praise God for that. My prayers are with you boo!
