Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Lovely Blog Hop... Im co-hosting!!!!!!

Guess who is co hosting a link up!!!!! Its my very first one and I am extremely excited!!! So please please link up. Since I'm sure this link party will bring about some new readers please click here and read the letter to my readers. Also be sure to check out the about me section. One of my most popular post is my DIY wedding binder  post, and I am #teamfollowback just leave a comment telling me how you are following and I will do the same #shamelessplug. (I know for sure my home girl/blogger mentor will be very proud of all these links to previous post). Ok here it goes:

Welcome to A Lovely Blog Hopwhere each Thursday we have the grand opportunity to meet and connect with lovely new bloggers, such as myself! Now you have something to do and somewhere to go on Thursdays!
Rules (Not really rules but a guide):
1. Follow your host and any co-hosts (if it applies). Co-hosts will be the first 3 to 5 entries.
I am your host,  Rekita @ Her&Nicole and I am the first linky. 

Feel free to leave a comment and introduce yourself!

2. Link it!
Link up your blog or anything else you find lovely. Share your family, fashion, food, crafts, or anything that you love this week. Please, please, please, share the love and include a link back to this blog hop.

3. Spread it!
This is a blog hop after all, so hop around! Visit other blogs and say Hi!

4. Grab it! 
Her & Nicole
Grab the button and place it somewhere in your blog or add just the link. Preferably in your blog post. 
This will help us promote this blog hop, believe me, the more the merrier! Or post the link somewhere in your blog. 

5. Tweet it!
Please help me to promote this blog hop by sharing it to others. 
So tweet it to show everyone where you link up on Thursdays!

6. The most important rule of them all, HAVE FUN BLOG HOPPING!


  1. Hey Toya! Congrats! Enjoy all the love today! I like this hop! Been doing it since I launched.

    1. Toya, I might be missing it, but I think you need the code to the link added to this post! Let me know if I'm missing something.

  2. Thanks a lot for co-hosting Toya! I am a new Follower of your blog from Jamaica! Have a good day.

    1. Hey Judy!!! Thanks for following along! I just followed your blog as well!

  3. I'm on the late bus! But I'm here. Totally ready to hop around.
