Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wedding Updates!!!

Wedding bells are ringing all up and through my ears… not really… Let me say this post is a rant. It does not mean I am not madly in love or looking forward to our union it means I’m human.

The money- can someone please tell me why everything is sooo freakin expensive? Really people want to charge and upcharge you for everything. Geesh!!! I am by no means rich, so I have to BUDGET… Pinterest is the devil but I love it. It will have you thinking you need all these wonderful things that when you look at the price your left thinking WTF how can I pull this off. Then it shows you the DIY on a budget option so that’s a plus. THANK GOD FOR PAYMENT OPTIONS

The girls- Ok seriously how hard is it to reply to a freakin email? We live in a society where our phones are stuck to our hands at all times and all the girls have a smart phone of some kind. I shouldn't have to hound you to reply. Then when I do Im called a Bride-zilla? Really you chicks haven’t seen nothing yet. The problem is without a reply telling me if you are in or out other things are placed on hold like flowers, gifts, groomsmen selection….

The good- Most of the major things ARE DONE!!!!! The ceremony and reception sites are booked, deposits PAID! I’m losing weight as planned (well not as quickly as I hoped but I’m losing), have a photographer chosen. The girls now have a dress picked out (sorry no leaked pictures) and so do the hostess. I’m only lacking a make-up lady, DJ, and cake… Ok let me be real there are 1000 small details left for me to do but the major things are done. I even have flowers picked out! Another huge plus is a friend of the family is going to design and coordinate the wedding at a discounted price. YAAAAY how much stress did that just relieve? A ton!

The better- My MOH and Matron of HONOR kick ass!!!! These two ladies are incredible for my sanity and so eager to help. I’m so blessed to have the two of them in my life and as a part of my day. They are all like whatever you want its about you. (dam right it is!!!! LOL, I kid I kid… a little) My only struggle with them is their gift. I want to get them something in my budget but as awesome as them that they will love!!!

My sister/ MOH and I at the bridal show in Chattanooga, TN

My Matron of Honor, her hubby, and their son (who will be walking my mini me down the isle as a jr groomsmen)

The best- I’m marrying a fantastic man!!


  1. Good news is its your day be a bridezilla if you want to!!!

  2. I think we were all bridezillas at one point during the planning phase! That's great that you got a majority of the big stuff taken care of!

  3. Girl, you ain't lyin'! When I was the Maid of Honor for one of my best friends it was like pulling teeth to get her other brides maids to call me or text me back. I mean, come on, People! It is rude to not respond within a decent amount time. What really hacked me off is that I know that they were quick to respond to non-wedding texts or calls from other people. ugh
    I hope you get to have the wedding of your dreams while within your budget. Hopefully inexpensive ideas will begin to come your way. I wish we lived closer I would TOTALLY do you and your maids' makeup for the wedding. I am a makeup diva. I love it! :)

  4. Ha, the responses are a trip and the money is no joke. You have to be careful with these planners and such. They know this is a happy time and will try to take your head off!

    1. Thats where the MR comes into play LOL you are sooo right though! Thanks for reading!.... Do you have google friend connect on your blog so I can add it to my reader?

  5. Oh my goodness I can relate to this soo much girl. I am planning a wedding for next fall and I am already overwhelmed.. pair that with school and work and I don't know how people do it! I guess we know why the show Bridezillas exists...:)


    1. LOL!!! You are so right! This week I have felt like I am drowning, with work, school, and my mommy/wifey to be duties!!! I am finding out more and more why brides are mean to their bridesmaids LOL thanks for reading!!!

  6. Yay love your wedding post! As a future maid of honor (maybe) I need to ask what your maid of honor is doing that has you so happy with her!

    1. LOL LOL at maybe!!! Your email is not connected to your profile so I havent responded. totally responded to your post on my Martha Stewart post in email and it wasnt until this one that I realized you never saw it. Sooooo send me an email and I will tell you why I am soooo happy with her.
