Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Dam you Google I love Reader

Ok real quick because I am hella busy these days!!! Im great how are you? Im behind on reading and commenting but I will catch up. Now since google has lost their dam minds I have to convert to Blog lovin and the app for my phone sucks assss... Any way here is the link. I will try to ad it to the side bar as well but for now   Follow my blog with Bloglovin.


  1. I am so blogger dumb. help! What was Reader and what is Blog Lovin?

    1. Google reader was like a central location for all the blogs you follow and they have an app for your phone. I never did figure out how to comment from the app but I guess that doesnt matter now. Bloglovin is a site kinda like the dashboard where all the blogs your read are. I am not as familiar with it.

  2. I LOVE bloglovin...but then again, it's all I"ve known. I'm already following you there!

    1. See I started with Google reader so I am a little skeptical. Thanks for following me there. The app for my droid is the worse that is not making it any better LOL

  3. I'm so with you! Grr at Google! I do not like Bloglovin on my phone either.. it keeps closing on me! Hope they get that shit worked out before July!

    1. Right because this is ridiculous. I usually pull up reader in the morning and scroll through LOL
