Thursday, February 14, 2013

NSV Link up

On this great LOVE DAY I’m linking up with the fabulous Katie J and Lex for NSV Thursday. Often when we are on our on a weight loss journey we get too hung up on the numbers that stare back at us when we step on the scale. We forget to celebrate the small things so this post is important.

My first victory is I did NOT weight this week. I will be honest (because its MY blog and I can) I was starting to obsess with the number like weighing daily. How unhealthy for me is that. Notice I say for me do what works for you. Anyway so I put the scale away, and she is not coming out until Monday when I weigh in for biggest loser.
My second victory is this:
If you follow my instagram then you know about these pants if not here is the scoop: Three months ago I was literally stuffing myself into these pants. I was in total denial about the weight I had gained and simply refused to buy a bigger size. I kept telling myself it didn’t look that bad. UMMMM the hell, can we say muffin top extraordinaire. The waist line used to dig into my stomach to the point that it hurt and left ugly marks on my skin, and now look at all that room.
Now had I been focusing on that she devil (the scale) I may have missed this. It is important to remember to enjoy the good parts about the weight loss journey because we all know there are so many bad parts. Enjoy the small victories along the way!!!


  1. Hi Toya! I'm following your blog from NSV link up. Great job on losing weight and your clothes getting bigger! That's awesome! Hope you have a great night!

  2. Wow! Ways to go that picture is amazing! You've clearly lost some major inches!
