Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday- Weigh in- Link up

Weekend oh weekend where art thou... Ok peeps It is Monday.. am I not always typing that? Well I suck. I got comfortable and ate like a crazy person this weekend. My only saving grace is that I have really allowed myself to enjoy the gym and I crave it (at least three days a week, the other days I go its a pure struggle). I went to Chattanooga for wedding stuff, and ate like a mad man, and drink liquor like I was being paid... WTH happened to all that water. SMH. Again I rocked it in the gym so the damage was minimal. I only lost one pound making my new stats:

SW 220
CW 196
GW- Im thinking 150
Total lost -24 pounds
Total lost in challenge- 15 pounds!!!!
I know I should be proud but if I had stayed on program this weekend what would I be typing instead? Oh well its a new week and another chance to get it right! I have a meeting with my bridesmaid this weekend and Im moving tomorow so busy is an understatment. Looks like those at home workouts from Pintrest will come in handy...Now for your viewing pleasure here are some random pics from my phone!
Me at work today wishing it was Friday again

My number 1 guy... this is my Father he had just come back from a party with my mom

Me with my this picture I totally see some weight loss

Him wondering why I have a light (the flash) in his face

My boo is so supportive he totally went to the gym with me with NO music!

A little before and after... I always look beat up after the gym... My sunglasses kept sliding off and I didn't want to bother with them on the way home.
Well thats it for now... how did you all do? Whats new. Some things will be changing around here soon and I really hope you stick around for them!!!


  1. Look at you with a new layout! Looks great! Kudos on another pound lost. :)
    I will have to weigh and record next Monday because I am on high alert bloat right now!haha

  2. Way to go on your pound lost! Thats great! Great pics too. Glad BF is so supportive! That helps a lot! Keep it up!

  3. Congrats on the weight loss and I love your new blog design!

  4. You look great! Congrats on your weight loss and keep up the great work!

  5. I stumbled on your blog, from another blog and congrats on the weight loss so far! I'm on one myself and it is truly a journey indeed! Best wishes to you! I hope to visit again soon! :-)

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