Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year- photo dump and reflection

Hello Bitches!!!!! This post is a little lengthy and picture heavy FYI....It is officially a new year and I need to get my crap all the way in line because in 333 days I will strut my fat ass if I cannot stop eating everything in sight hotness down the aisle. But first let me catch you all up on some other things... You all know my aunt passed (and a week after she was buried her husband of 27 years, my whole life, died. Seemingly from a broken heart) and we were finally able to bury her. So the family loaded up and went to New Orleans.... If you follow my Instagram you have seen a few of these. If not go follow now

She was totally not sleep LOL... She loves her granddad!

 The fiance and I being silly in the hotel...

He will only indulge me to a point... 

I almost feel bad for him because I love pictures!!!... Surprise Surprise my brother Martels came to New Orleans. He has been only one other time that I can remember, and we go at least once a year...

My oldest brother Cederic's Daughter and my mini me

My father and his brother Charles

My cousins came and got me and took me to my first drag show, or "punk show" as they called it. It was an experience but not what I had hoped. Side note- I watch Noah's Arc, anything else by Patrick Ian Polk I can find, and Queer as folks, so I was excited and a but let down.... However my cousin was one of the "stars" per say... and here he is Katey Red/ Kenyon Carter himself... Google him and let me know what you find LOL

My little cousin Zion

The gas station has alcohol!!!!

Road snack, it was gluten free and said jalapeno so I was game. It was good too!

IDK why I took this pic maybe to remind me that we stopped in AL? LOL

My Father and My Daughter

She was awakened to use the potty
Shameless selfie in the bathroom LOL

How I started the trip at 6am

Just us being silly

So I recently added weight lifting to my routine in hopes that the weight will come off quicker. I have been doing well with my workout I just need to reign my eating back in. With 333 days to go I have NO time to play. It is like I am a moron when it comes to food. I know in my brain that what I eat makes a huge difference and that all my sweat is for nothing if I'm not eating right but I STRUGGLE!!! I will be honest the holiday season, vacations, funerals, and travels gave me just the excuse I needed to let my fat girl come out to play...

I even went to the gym while on vacation!!!

My nephew!!! I love this BABY!!!!

MY FAMILY being silly

Please keep in mind my daughter's life goal is to be an FBI agent and we watch Criminal minds. Please don't Judge me its always on ION and cable is not in the budget!!!!

Getting Ready
In her gear eyeing the suspect


LMBO!!!!!!!!! I was cracking up as this whole scene unfolded!!!!!.... This is me on the second to the last date night me and the Mr had in 2012. I know my hair is terrible but I WORK OUT!!!! my shoes were killer but they didn't make the photo... Yet another reason you should follow my Instagram *shameless plug*

Telling myself suck it in you don't look too fat... #lies

Reflection- While 2012 gave me 30 extra pounds it also gave me the love of my life. When I tell you this man drives me insane at times BUT he is so Amaze-Balls!!!! He loves all of me in spite of me, and is super with my daughter. Before we were ever engaged he was already saying "my daughter this, my daughter plays soccer." I never knew what it was like to have a man that actually cared and wanted to be the man if the house and love his woman, and not do these things for social media or for the hype but because that is who he is as a man. *Shoutout to his PARENTS*  He is everything I need in a man and I must lose weight so that he can have a Pinterest worthy moment when he sees me walk down the aisle.  that I feel great when I walk down the aisle and I am healthier all around... With the economy, violence, down low men, and all around bad things in the world I feel so blessed to be in a better more settled place in my life this year. I do not do new years resolutions because that crap rarely makes it February  I am going to continue to strive to be a better person, Christian, mother, fiance, and therapist. I understand that growth is a constant but I am dam sure going to enjoy the journey because life is not promised.



  1. Looks like you got your sweat on! Woohoo! Keep up the good work.

    1. I just dont feel like the workout is worth it if there is no sweat! LOL thanks!!

  2. Walking down the aisle is definitely great motivation to reach your weight loss goals! Good luck!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for commenting!!! Im looking forward to sharing this weight loss journey with you, or as I call it THE STRUGGLE!!! LOL

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your photos! Thanks for stopping by today! New follower.

    1. LOL thanks!!! Im a picture fanatic I will take a pic of anything. Thanks for returning the blog love!
