Monday, January 28, 2013

Biggest Loser Week 4

Well dolls another Monday is upon us... BOOOOO So I am going to make this short and sweet. I have no idea how much I weigh. I could not get on the scale. I feel swollen, indulged in alcohol, and couldn't stand to see another 1 pound loss or heaven forbid a gain. So in essence Im taking this week as my no weigh in week. Sue Me... The scale in my bathroom mocks me, when Im busting my butt she barely moves down, I make two mistakes and she cant wait to leap forward so no thank you.

In other news I have restarted JM30DS and I am already sore! Those are the longest 20 minutes of my life! Whew!!! So I am going to do it for a complete 30 days along with my other stuff so that hopefully I can see some results and finally post some before and after pictures! I know this was a quick post. I will have more updates this week but I'm tired, have a sick baby, and a sick fiance... Lysol anyone... I swear their poor immune systems are sooo weak, or maybe its the weather. I hope you ladies did well! Happy Monday!!!

This is me after JM30DS and 1 hour of cardio... Tired is an understatement


  1. Good luck with Jillian! She's one tough cookie!

    1. That she is.. This is my second attempt at the 30 day shred I'm determined to finish it.

  2. Good Luck! I am also going to try the 30 Day Shred

  3. I totally understand. When I know that the past few days have not been my best I STEER CLEAR of the scale. If it tells me a sucky number when I HAVE been trying hard why in the world would I jump on it when I've been rogue.

  4. You have an award from me!

  5. The scale is an evil little B word. Seriously, why is the number so important? HAHA I think it is great that you didn't let it get to you this week by avoiding it all together. Good job on the 30DS!
