Monday, January 21, 2013

Biggest Loser week 3!!!!!

Monday already!!! I need a snow day or a hey you don’t have to come to work Monday free card LOL!!  Happy Martin Luther King Jr DAY!!!!! Woot woot... since I am procrastinator I did not take my floating holiday early enough to get today off so I'm at work. Blah... Anywho I was terrible this past week I only worked out twice (this does not include doing squats daily) the only thing I was consistent on this week was the squat challenge and increasing my water intake. So when I got on the scale I had to be proud of myself I was -1.... I am convinced I lost my one pound in here: my daughters room, and how she left it before going out of town... but the joke is on her because when I clean I like to feel accomplished and THROW CRAP AWAY!!!!! *evil laugh*

Notice the trash bag... I went on a rampage

Some child is going to be very happy. It wont be mine but hey we cant always have it our way LOL  I had 2 bags to be donated, and 1 bag for trash!!!!

That cardboard is Z world that she built so I couldn't let it go
Now if I could only get the rest of my house in order... Oh well one battle at a time. Here are my stats:

Last week weight- 205

This week weight 204

Pounds lost this week- 1

Total pounds since challenge started 7
I am so stepping it up this week. I mean come on I am sooo sick of looking at a 2 on the scale. This means adding 30 day shred to my regimen, and actually getting back on program! I know I have to move this body to see any real loss. Im excited to get back in the gym... Dare I say it, I almost missed the place.... well almost....


  1. Woo-hoo! Congrats on the pound are sooo close to onederland. You'll be there in no time!

    Your daughter's room looks great...I need to do that with my apartment. :)

    1. Thanks!!! I am determined to get there ASAP!!! I need to stop seeing 2. Thanks for the encouragement... LOL I need to do it to the rest of the apartment too LOL. It was easy to start in her room because she was gone! LOL

  2. Great job! I lost a pound this week too. Your daughters room looks great!

    1. Im sure I lost it in her room too!!! Thanks and good job on your loss this week.

  3. Ha ha ha you clean like I do! Great work on the pound.

    Here is to hoping you can meet your goals this week.

    1. LOL yes I love throwing things away!!!! I am going to do a room per day this week! Thanks for stopping by and the suppport!!

  4. Do you ever use tribesports? I do sometimes its an online community like Facebook but for working out. Anyway I live your enthusiasm and good job!!!

    1. Hello! No I dont know what that is. I can google it or you can send me a link and I will check it out!!! thanks for the support

  5. Hello! I have nominated you for a Liebster award! LOVE your blog! Check out my latest post for details!

    1. Ok give me a couple days to do that post...I did it previously here:

      All the blogs I follow have been nominated 1000 times over!!! Thanks for reading

  6. Congrats on the 1lb loss! It looks like you had such a productive day cleaning up. I'm sure you burned some nice calories there :)

    1. Thanks! Congrats to you as well. You are so inspiring and your readership has grown tremendously!!

  7. One pound is a loss. Good for you! I'm the same way about my kids' rooms, but they don't seem to understand. They always say they NEED me to help them. Uh, no! Trust me, they really don't want me to help because things will disappear.

    Great job! Keep up the hard work

    1. Thank you!! I really need to amp this thing up a bit!!! LOL exactly!!! My daughter knows that I come packing a huge trash bag!!!! LOL Thanks for the suport... I looked for your week 3 let me know how it went!

  8. Woohoo for 1 pound! You are almost about to break out of the 200's. Soon, very soon!

    I understand about missing the gym. A few years ago I really got into going and using the treadmill. I would say I was starting to get addicted. Then life happened, got busy, excuse excuse, etc. *hahah* Now, with twin 5 month old boys, it is hard to find time to even leave the house, let alone work out. So things like cleaning the bedroom and things like that are my main source of workout right now. I can't wait until it gets warmer so I can take them outside.

    Anyway - KEEP IT UP!

    1. Oh wow Twins!!! Congrats, I cannot imagine. My one keeps me soooo busy! Yea Im trying to give myself a healthy addiction to the gym, but sometimes the excuse monster wins LOL!!!! Squat deep when you pick something up!!! thanks for reading! And thanks for the support!!!

  9. You're SO CLOSE to 199! I know you're gonna hit - keep up the great work and the positive attitude!

  10. Good job on the weight loss and thanks for stopping by my blog. I can't wait to read about your journey.

  11. I clean my daughter's room similar to the way you do. I get it done while they are at school or at a friends. I figured if they don't like the way I clean then they will start cleaning it themselves. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I look forward to following along as you enter into Onederland!

    1. LOL!!! Exactly that is my thoughts, if you dont want your things thrown away keep it clean!!! thank you for the support!!! Im desperatly trying to get there!!!
