Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Rest in peace Angels

Words cannot express the feelings I have right now. I’m somewhere between pissed and rageful and numb. I understand there is an order of things and people die but why is today’s world so cruel. My aunt was the victim of a drive by shooting. She did not survive. This happens just days after a madman goes into an elementary school and goes on a killing spree. WHY? What is it that makes people think it is ok to take a life? What’s worse is that crime happens so often that society is becoming desensitized to such acts. Acts that effect the country at large. While I did not know any of the children the thought that it can happen to my own daughter will make me hug her a little tighter and not care that she is trying to stay up past her bedtime. Some people who did not know my aunt will think twice before standing outside (which is very sad). They will give the slow approaching car a second and maybe third glance. See crime hurts everyone. Not just the immediate victims and their families but everyone. It reminds us that one any given day at any school, on any street bad things are possible…

RIP Louise Carter, and all the new baby angels from Newtown…

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