Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday and we have a DATE!!!!!

Welcome back!!!! LOL just kidding I'm the one that has been gone... ITS MONDAY!!!! So honestly it was tie between Mr. Monday and I. Work was ok, the scale gods were merciful, and work was uneventful for the most part. So lets see what have I been up to aside from sucking at my goals... Oh yea I HAVE A WEDDING DATE!!! The ceremony and reception venues have been booked and I will be married on November 30, 2013. *pops it and drops it like its hot, and flips my hair* ok Im back!!! LOL... So ready for some randomness and updates sure you are that's why you are still reading, oh and WELCOME to my new followers!!!

I woke up a little late and this was breakfast!

May just make this breakfast so I will be sure to have something

So yes I slipped up and had one of these the other days... I should have just gone for liquor because this thing while delicious is FULL of sugar!!!

December 1 was mini me's birthday. We had a small family thing and it went well! I am obsessed with We love princess Tiana so I had to have this cake that's the cake we chose! 

Recently we looked at old pictures and she saw her first birthday and decided she wanted to recreate the look!... Im on a never ending diet so I said go for it!!!

8 years ago God saw fit to send me an Angel!!! Love this Diva

I became lazy and just stopped trying the holidays and traveling for the wedding got in my way and I didn't exercise as much but, I managed to control my eating and make healthy choices so my weight did not go up! the one pound I did gain left. I guess all the water drinking does work! Here are some meals I took pictures of...

My fiance makes the best Salmon ever!!!!
Lunch was catered at work one day

12.45 mile! the time is slowing going down!!!

Today I worked out and was in a grove and at 9 minutes I had completed .77 of a mile and because I'm huge, run weird and was trying to stay focused and keep running then I hit the emergency stop and my information was lost. I was SOOOOO pissed and I'm sure I could have beat my time. Oh well that is just motivation for tomorrow!!! 

So how have you all been since I been gone? How was your holiday?

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