Friday, November 2, 2012

Staycation, and mile time

As my FAB week of Staycation ends I need to reflect... this post may be a little long just an FYI.. I managed to lose 4 pounds this week as of Wednesday (Monday will be my official weigh in day from hence forth)!!!! Granted I was totally excited to work out and had the energy as I was not working but it also showed me what I am capable of with some hard work (and lots of stretching  I'm so sore). YAAAY minus four pounds but now I am considering how much extra stress and weight my job adds to my life. 

Got my mile time down woot woot 13.29

I have decided that I need a change, if only in the pay. I am no stranger to hard work and have never had an easy job (if that exists)  but when I look at my workload and my paycheck they are just not comparable. Sure I chose the helping profession and when dealing with people it will always be stressful but there has to be something better than community mental health. That being said I am dedicating fifteen minutes per day (more later) to studying for my NCE test. Once I have an extra 400 or so I will register (then majorly increase my study time) and take the test which will lead me toward being a LPC (licensed professional counselor) and thus open up more options for employment.... I had plans to clean my home and cook everyday and I have managed to cook one time and clean the living room. I did do all my homework for the week prior to it being due. Surprisingly I don't feel bad. I honestly needed a break. I needed to sleep all day after a work out and not be made to feel guilty about it. I'm carrying so much guilt any other time about so many other things so this week I was selfish. I know in hindsight I should have done things differently this week but I needed the breather. I did not want to do anything while I was off so I didn't.... there are so many other things I have to say  but don't know where to start but why whine about it ya know. Its my life and I made whatever decision that got me where I am so I gotta put my big girl panties on and change it. I will say this though. Struggling to lose weight is major and my weight tampers with how I feel about everything else. That being said one day at a time one exercise day at a time I must get this weight off.

Lets end this blog on an up note because with the storms, economy, and price of gas no one needs another downer.... My daughter was some character from monster high again this year. I still have not seen this show but she had a ball trunk or treating in the neighborhood!!! Check her out

*Finishes water, and goes to start cleaning  this nasty ass filthy not so clean place we call home*


  1. Everyone deserves a little down time. Now, get cracking LOL

  2. Lol you are sooooo right. There are no morw days off for me!!! Hey you still loving cross fit?
