Monday, October 29, 2012

Monday Management...

MONDAY!!!!! Let me start by saying all Mondays should be like today...For once I was not dreading this day! It is because I am on my first ever Staycation!!! Woot Woot. I have no plans except to work out everyday! It feels so good not to be in a hurry and thinking about whats next. I am so in love my fiance but if it fails I am marrying a man with lots of money so I can be a stay home wife!!!! LOL... Monday was totally my bitch check it out...

14.48 minute mile.... I did 16 minutes on the treadmill total before step class

I really need to bring that mile time down, but hey like the profile says I'm a wanna be runner... *chants to self* I WILL GET THERE... Anywho I did 16 minutes total before I went to a 45 minute step aerobic class.

Me before the step class
With the workout done I was able to eat lunch, start dinner, and do my homework all before noon. Of course I took advantage of the free time and took a NAP!!!!

Not my favorite but not terrible
I love Pinterest so I decided to use one of the thousands of crock pot recipes I have pinned and make dinner.

Just throw it in the POT!

Had to clean this stuff first!!!
*drum roll please*

Crock Pot Chicken soupy stuff... That mini me had two servings of.

So all in all today was a great day... Now time to give the fiance some attention before his lip hangs any lower #poutmuchsir!!!! LOL

How was your Monday? Anything new?

*sips water and goes to the back with the fiance*


  1. I love how you write! Fun! And how was the soupy stuff?

  2. LOL thanks!!! It was good... My daughter who is very picky eater had to servings!!! Score
