Monday, January 9, 2012

Great Expectations… and the let downs that follow…

Wanting more than I can have… or should I say more than they are willing to give. It’s simple people set their boundaries of what they are willing to do whether verbal or with actions. So what do you do with your expectations? You concede, walk away or suffer through miserably. Am I so desperate for male attention that I am willing to concede? HELL NO so that means he has to go. Why is it that men say one thing and do a complete opposite… because we let them. I will be honest I let them. The men in my life use me for one thing or another because I am a giver and I allow and tolerate their behavior. Lets be real this blog is not only about sex its about time, conversation and everything in between. For men it is all in the actions so its time to woman up and bitch slap this negro (and a few others) from my life… I have got to learn that people can only give what they are willing to give and in the end I’m the only one left hurting when I expect more….

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