Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Beautiful Mistake.... wow I've had a few... ok so lemme back up "beautiful mistake" is the title of a Keri Hilson song. Check it out you've been there I'm sure, but I digress.... Each of my beautiful mistakes have shaped, carved, and formed the woman I am today [who I am happy to be]..so this entry is dedicated to you...

Even though we never talk I owe you the biggest THANK YOU of all. You gave me my reason for breathing, a reason to always be great and the love of my life. Thank you for giving me my daughter. I don't know who or where I would be without her. Without being a single mother [and all the struggles this includes; fnancial, emotional, and occasionally physical] I can't say with certainity that I would be as strong of a woman as I am so to you I'm forever grateful..

... because of you I'm able to listen to my women's intuition and understand the signs that he is cheating, and love myself enough to let go, and I understand that cheating has nothing to do with me [as long as I'm fulfilling my dutites]....

...thanks for teaching me that my heart is big enough for another child, loving me even when I hated you, being my number one fan even when I didn't deserve it, showing me the definition of intamcy, and the many times you saved me financially...

...I appreciate you teaching me how to love when I wasn't sure I knew how, and showing me the many different ways to love...

...much gratitude for you showing me what it is like to date a man with a child and have NO baby mama drama, for being very special and instrumental in my daughter's life, forcing me out of my comfort zone and never alowing me to settle, oh and those naughy tricks [I'm sure my future husband will forever be unknowingly grateful]....

You see at the end of every storm is a beautiful sunshine! I'm sure that because of these men the man that God's sends me will be satisfied and loved. I understand that he will never completely understand me but I will recognize and appreciate the effort. I know that while football is on I don't need to try to talk about my feelings :) I recognize that somtimes he will need to be held, and encouraged. Of course I got the basics cooking and cleaning on lock! Lol I know that his love will not look like my love and he needs me to love him the way he needs to be loved. So thanks guys for being you and preparing me for him..

*smiles, and calls and old friend*

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